Mars Academy

Why More People Are Getting Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is on the rise, and many factors contribute to this rising trend. Many people turn to cosmetic surgery to try to fit in or to find an outward solution that makes them feel better. Whatever your reason is, you have to make sure that you work with a certified surgeon who has had experience in the type of surgery you want. Robert Kotler MD is one of the plastic surgeons who have handled a lot of facial surgeries, including rhinoplasty. He is an excellent example of the type of surgeons you should work because of his qualifications as well as experience. Some of the reasons why the rate of cosmetic surgery is on the rise include:

The society

We live in an era where everything is digital, and that means we spend most of our time on the digital platform. Nowadays, people would rather watch tv and spend time on their cell phones that go out or interact with others physically. The interaction is on digital platforms by taking pictures and selfies. This leads to competition and a need to look best. Also, cosmetic surgery has also become widely accepted by society. Having cosmetic surgery no longer raises eyebrows as it did sometimes back. Knowing that you’ll be accepted instead of stigmatized makes surgery a more accessible option.

Surgery costs

Most cosmetic surgeries are now cheaper compared to some years back. This is believed to be due to the technological advances that make those procedures simpler. They still need a lot of skill and practice by doctors, but technology makes the precision easier. Unlike before, when cosmetic surgery was only an option for the rich, nowadays, even the middle class can afford to have facial adjustments.


Accidents have been known to happen that leave scarred faces. Sometimes you want to look better than you already do. Cosmetic surgery helps in rectifying any scarring as well as changing any look you don’t like. As such, people with low self-esteem turn to surgeries to have better looks and feel good about themselves. Some people who are bullied because of their looks can also feel better when they change the reason why they are bullied.


Other people choose surgery to boost their health. Sometimes excess weight or other conditions like excess sweating can be changed by surgery. Whatever the case may be for you, having cosmetic surgery is your personal choice, and no one should make you feel bad about it. Just make sure you end up with a qualified surgeon like Robert Kotler MD, who will give you all the possible options.