Mars Academy

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath That Smells Like Metal

Bad breath, scientifically known as halitosis, is unpleasant for others and embarrassing for you. The good news is that it does not need to remain this way; you can do something about it.

Make Brushing a Priority

Bad breath is caused by a build-up of bacteria on your gums and/or tongue. Brushing your teeth at least twice per day for two minutes each time is a great way to combat these odor-causing germs. Be sure that the toothbrush you use is in good condition; you should get a new one every three to four months or whenever the bristles become frayed. Since it’s easy to forget to make this switch, consider joining a subscription service such as Brush Up Club, which keeps you supplied with new brushes with minimal fuss.

Remember to Floss

Often overlooked, flossing is the only way to get debris from hard-to-reach places such as between teeth. If left there, food particles become nourishment for bacteria. The result is embarrassing halitosis as well as the potential for gum disease and tooth decay.

Don’t Overlook Your Tongue

Because it is wet and warm, the tongue is a perfect breeding place for bacteria. Therefore, it is important to regularly scrape it either with your toothbrush or with an inexpensive tongue scraper designed for just this purpose. You will be amazed at what comes off your tongue when you do.

Stop Smoking

Tobacco does a nasty number on your breath. It dries out your mouth, leaving you with an odor not unlike a dirty ashtray. Putting the pipe or cigarettes down for good is one of the best ways to freshen your breath.

Stay Hydrated

When your mouth is dry, bacteria have the perfect environment to thrive. Drink the recommended eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day to ensure that your teeth, tongue and gums stay moist. If you take medications that rob your mouth of moisture, consider buying an over-the-counter saliva substitute.

Visit Your Dentist

If you have tried all of these tips yet still suffer from bad breath, you may have a more serious problem. That’s because halitosis can signal conditions such as a systemic infection. Your dentist is trained to diagnose these problems and to refer you to another type of doctor if the situation warrants.

Maintaining a bright smile is a terrific way to make a great first impression. However, it will be sabotaged if your new acquaintance is then bathed in a gust of your bad breath. Maintaining good oral hygiene and regularly visiting your dental professional are the best ways to ensure that your breath is fresh and your mouth is healthy for the long term.